Our regular newsletter helps you get the most from Yenka's
simulation software.
Tutorial video:
Simulating titrations

This week, we're starting with a favourite chemistry
experiment of mine: the acid-alkali titration.
As well as letting your students experiment safely, Yenka
lets you graph the progress of the experiment easily.
You can choose whichever concentrations you want, and see
how it affects the reaction.
here to watch the 'Acid-alkali titrations' tutorial video.
Distance learning
with Yenka in Colombia
Some interesting news from South America this week.
We're going to be working with the Fundación Universitaria
Católica del Norte, in Medellín, Colombia.

They'll be using our software for 5,000 distance learning
Yenka's highly flexible simulation makes it ideal for
teachers and students working together remotely on projects.
If you'd like more information about how this might work in your
establishment, just get in
A coordinates game

See how many targets you can get before the time runs out.
Who can get the highest score in your class?
here to download 'A Coordinates Game'.
Yenka Science:
Transformer experiment

In this Yenka Science model, we show you how a transformer
can be used to step up a voltage enough to light a bulb. See what happens
when the voltage is stepped up too much!
here to download 'A simple transformer experiment'.
Yenka Technology:
Flashing bike lights

This Yenka Technology simulation has a 555 timer in astable
mode, in conjunction with NPN and PNP transistors to alternately turn on
LEDs, simulating a flashing bike light.
here to download 'Flashing Bike Light'.
Try it yourself...
To try the Yenka models we've linked here, you need Yenka
installed on your computer.
If you're at home, whether you're a student or a teacher,
you can download
our free home licence.
If you're at school, you'll need a Yenka licence for the
right product - but if you've not got one yet, there's always our free trial version.